The main causes of breast cancer still not known and trusted that more than one factor that effected by breast cancer. Researcher believe that the contraction causes of factors, including genetic factors and the environment.
Merit has been designated for individuals who have a higher risk. What are the implications to identify risk factors of breast cancer? The risk factors are already known will allow individuals who receive high risk of benefits control of the inspection which was neatly groomed clinical and mammography examination. However, women who have no risk factors can be effect by cancer. Thus, the risk factors can not give a precise prediction.
Orders for primary
- Knowing the risk factors will decide whether you need to check filter or not.
- If you do not have risk factors does not mean you are safe. Many women who effect by cancer not have family history or have risk factors
- Breast cancer can not be prevented, and the main strategy is finding and early treatment before it would cancer
Factors known to be
Here are the factors that have been identified
Breast cancer disease is especially for women (95% of cases of breast cancer is among women)
The higher age of increased risk. Women aged less than 25 years rarely effect by breast cancer.
The distinction geography
More breast cancer found in the western country if compared with countries in Asia or Africa.
family history and genetic factors
If a woman has a mother or sister who had breast cancer at a slightly younger age, he will risk breast cancer will be increased 2 times and double the risk will be increased 4 times the double. For men, the risk increased if, father, sister What the man or his son effect by breast cancer . There is a report that says 60% of men with breast cancer have relatives women which cancer breast. Only 5-10% of women breast cancer which have genetic factors.
The existence history of breast disease
Women in cells rather morbid hyperplasia which have atypical rate of 4 times the risk of double effect by breast cancer. Similarly fibrocystic disease or proliferate disease.
The existence of menstrual history
If a woman before the age of 12 years or menopause after 55 years, he risks by cancer increased 2 or 3 times. This phase associated with fertility and the effects of exposure to the estrogen hormone.
Number of children
A woman who does not have children or never pregnant after age 30 years have a higher risk of breast cancer. This may be related to menstrual revolution that is not disrupted.
Radiation exposure
Radiation exposure, such as X-rays during or before the age of 30 years of age can increase the risk of breast cancer but exposure such as this rarely applies Exposure to the atomic bomb explosion can increase the risk as much as 3 times.
Socioeconomic status
Socioeconomic high status will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is related to the age, you age during menopause, the age when children first pregnancy and also the food
Nutrition has been said to affect the rate cancer between countries. Taking alcoholic beverages have proved that increased the risk 1.4 times 2.0.
Body size
Obese women after menopause have increased the risk. This is because fat and contain estrogen in women as the levels of estrogen is higher
The pill and hormone therapy alternate (THG)
Taking the pill in the period of time is associated with increased risk 1.2 times in the environment. Estrogen dos, which is given low and the risk cancer will be increased 1.8 times after only use for 5 years. After 5 years increased the risk 2.6 times.

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