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Friday, November 21, 2008

Cancer - Why You Should Stop Smoking?

Tobacco is the main cause of death of 1 in 10 adults in the world that it is the same 5 million deaths a year. Most deaths are caused by the main attack heart disease, diseases related to respiratory and cancer. Stopped heart channel disease is the main cause of death in the United States. I still smoking again?

Did you know?

By taking cigarettes have been invited disease for ourselves. Even for other people around us. Because each smoke cigarette we breathe will give effect to the lungs, brain and the heart of it. Content of tar, nicotine and other chemicals that cause the disease will cancer, tibia and bleeding in the brain. Anyone who inhaled smoke cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals and 200 of the poisonous, whereas 43 more can cause cancer. From the smoke inhaled, it can cause a blood clot and cause stroke. Stroke can kill and cause blind or paralyzed.

Let's see article below ...

Ingredients Dangerous Chemicals In Cigarettes
(This is part Then 4,000 chemicals)

Fate of smoke! Each stem These cigarettes contain poisons that are extremely dangerous.

Chemicals found in cigarettes:
1) Acetone (paint remover)
2) Ammonia (floor cleaner)
3) Methanol (of fire)
4) Naphthalene (over silverfish)
5) Carbon monoxide
6) Vinyl chloride (PVC make)
7) Hydrogen Cyanide
8) Toluene
9) Arsenic (poison termite)
10) Phenol
11) butane (oil Lighter)
12) DDT
13) nicotine (including in the categories of drugs because it causes the addicted)
14) Tar (for making roads)

Chemicals found in cigarettes into a source of cancer:

1) Naphthalene
2) Cadmium (used in car batteries)
3) Polonium-201
4) Toluene
5) Urethane
6) Acetone
7) Arsenic

The latest shows 29% of pregnant women who smoke even if only 1 to 10 stems a day cause their children in the womb with disabilities. And the risk increased to 78% to the 20 stem smoking day.

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