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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lung Cancer

Lungs cancer is the "number one killer". Lungs cancer is still increasing.. Cancer was caused by the use of tobacco, he began in the western countries since the second world war. It represents 20% of all cancer in North America, compared to 1 to 2% in Africa. Please note that the disease is occurring rather common among women, because their smoking habits. Lungs cancer become a greater problems in women each year. If the trend now continue, in the period 10 to 15 years, the case Lungs cancers of men and women will appear. This event will be the same, when 3.5:1 (3 more times for men) in 1975, and 1.5:1 in 1999. Age appropriate for diagnosis is 66 years old.

Cancer treatment of the lung is difficult, because he has been overlooked when making treatment. when you make a diagnosis on the stage through, 50% of the cases shows Metastasis. The many people who deaths caused by lung cancer compared with the federation cancer the colon, breast and prostate. In 2004, the budget new lungs cancer case in the United States is 173,770: 93,110 cases among men and 80,660 among women, according to the Association of Cancer United States. Appraise the 160,400 deaths, more than 30% of all deaths caused by cancer, will be applicable in the year 2004.

Risk factors
  • Smoking or exposure to cigarette will make a higher risk
  • Exposure to the chemical industry, asbestos is one of the chemicals that are known, gas, radon, cadmium, nickel, chemical industry, tar and dust carbon.
  • Smoker can be a more risk if the disclosed to the chemicals industry and the atmosphere pollution.
  • genetic fact also play any role because only one of the ten-smoker who is this disease.
Cancer developments
  • Lungs cancers divided into 2 types, namely the "small cells Lung cancer (SCLC), and" non-small cells Lung cancers (NSCLC) represents 25% and 75% respectively. Cells lung shift into cells cancer if applicable imbalance facts of these cells. This cancer can wander to the bone, liver and brain.
  • Vulnerable bloody.
  • Coughing that end
  • Infection to the germs respiratory tract and lungs are difficult to medicate
  • Voters rough, weak and listless decrease body weight;
  • Pain-bone pain, pleura water in the lungs, and spinal pain.
  • X-ray lung, but it is important to use emission CT scan encouraged. How MSCT 64-bits body scan and using the landmark Protein 'Biomarker C12' strategy is really effective.
  • Bronchoscope can get the record pieces biopsy;
  • Scan chest, abdomen, bones and brain are part of the methods used now scan apart from 'Petscan'.
  • Sign the tumor, namely CEA, NSE for 'Small cell Lungs cancers, "and Cyfra 21-1 for lung cancer type 'epidermoidis'.
  • Specific surgery to the location of the tumor;
  • Radiation therapy: a treatment that starts when surgery can not be done with the utmost, and also on small tumors that can not be cured.
  • Chemotherapy: a treatment that run before or after surgery, especially in the rank metastasis, for the development of Metastasis patients;
  • Tumor dos indication: need a treatment that is easily available, especially during chemotherapy and beckon
  • The main cancer can eliminate this type, but the other cells may be covered: the landmark treatment of tumors
Treatment continuation:
  • Radiographic study;
  • Tumor dos indication tumors: an increase in the value of one or several landmark tumors can occur several months before he appear again. Continuation of this treatment should be done every month, then every three months.
  • NO SMOKING. Stop smoking to reduce the risk Lungs cancers after 10 years.
  • CT examination with dos low / high resolution, join the test tumor indication, the situation will improve Lungs cancers.

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